Kids and Special Needs

Many times children with neurodevelopment challenges, attention and focus problems, and other special needs are overlooked when it comes to health and well-being. We believe these kids deserve the greatest health and function because of their uniqueness. The “GO! KIDS” program teaches parents and providers for these children the keys to success with their health!

Workshops We Offer

Attention! (ADD/ADHD)

ADD/ADHD, there is so much misinformation on this topic. Some say kids are born with it, others say it doesn’t even exist. We happen to know that attention problems are real, because as health professionals we help children and adults overcome them on a regular basis. It really isn’t as difficult or complicated as it seems and you can do it without the dangerous side effects of stimulant medication. This is a powerful, life-changing workshop that everyone needs to hear.

Autism: Diagnosis NOT a Dead End

A storm has come. Our children are subject to toxins, stress, and horrible food chemicals at alarming levels. Research is showing that all of these stresses are responsible for MANY neurological symptoms, diseases, and developmental disorders as well. Autism, Aspergers, and PDD are on the rise. Many parents are finding answers and solutions through this program.

Special Health for Special Needs (Healthy Lifestyle)

Those with special needs are no doubt special. But their health is just as important as neurotypical folks. Nutrition, exercise, posture, and rest all play a huge role in the function of this population. This workshop is wonderful to apply healthy principles, in a practical way, to the lives of those with special needs.

Ready to Schedule Your Program?